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St Edward's Roman Catholic Primary School Darwen home page

St Edward'sRoman Catholic Primary School

Mrs Hargreaves Key Stage 2 Support and Breakfast Club Lead

Hello everyone, I’m Mrs Hargreaves. I first joined Team Teddies in 2004 when I was studying for a Foundation Degree in Teaching and Learning Support, In 2005 I became a member of staff. I have worked across all year groups throughout my time here but now work in Key Stage two. I have many role thorough out each day, starting with Breakfast Club supervisor, Year Five TA, Welfare Supervisor, I finish the day of working for Safe Hands After School Club as Deputy Manager and Safeguarding Lead. I love being a part of the St Edward’s family and watching your little seeds grow and blossom throughout their time with us. 

In my spare time I love jumping on a train and having unplanned days out with the hubby, love getting out and about for long walks and generally spending quality time with the family.