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St Edward's Roman Catholic Primary School Darwen home page

St Edward'sRoman Catholic Primary School


We are proud of our place in the community of Darwen, and especially proud of our close ties with parents.


The chaplaincy team have adopted the grave of a local war hero, and held a fundraiser for Macmillan. Our school council holds sales in aid of its chosen charities.
In addition we hold numerous fundraisers throughout the year for causes close to our hearts - Walk A Mile for CAFOD and St Joseph's Penny Boxes (money from which improves lives locally) being just two examples. Our Friends of St Edwards' meet regularly and hold several events such as School Discos and Film Night to raise funds, which go directly back into school for spending.  They are always looking for new members! We are happy to belong to our community and the wider world, and play our part in it.
Here at St Edward's the learning and activities don't stop at 3.15pm. We run a whole range of activities including sports clubs, tournaments, dance clubs and more. 
Start the day right with our ever-popular Breakfast Club. This runs from 7.45am until school starts every morning. Breakfast is served from 8am-8.20am and there are table top activities and fun for all. The club operates on a booking system, and days must be confirmed on a weekly basis with the school office.  Payment is via School Comms online in advance.