Welcome to Reception Class!
Our Teachers are Mrs Nelson and Mrs Turner
Our classroom assistants are Miss Ferro and Miss Morris.
Our PE Day is Friday.
What to expect in the Early Years
Homework Topic 6
Reception class have been using oil pastels to recreate the Bell Rock Lighthouse picture by J.M.W. Turner. Next week we will add our paint washes.
Reception have been learning about minibeasts, so we explored our woodland area to find some in their natural habitat.
We've received some caterpillars! We look forward to seeing them grow and change
Reception had a great time toasting marshmallows and making s’mores with @sporting_nrg this week.
Reception have been learning about and acting out the events of the Last Supper.
Reception have started their new topic ‘Tell me a tale’ by reading The Three Little Pigs. We have built a house out of bricks to retell the story, made junk model houses and built a wolf den complete with signs to keep the pigs away.
Reception have been using balance scales to explore mass.
Father Brian visited Reception class, to answer our questions about how how he helps the Parish family to celebrate.
Reception Class enjoying apparatus
In Receptions liturgy today we listened to Mark from 10 Mission read from Matthews gospel. We through about the 3 wise men and the gifts that we can bring to others.
This week Reception have made bird feeders. We hung them up in our woodland area for the birds to enjoy. Then had a good splash in some muddy puddles!
Reception class enjoyed a lovely liturgy to complete our learning about Advent.
Thank you to all the grown ups who came to our first Reception class stay and play session. The children loved having you in class
The children in Reception have been finding out about Remembrance Day and the symbols of Remembrance.
Reception have been learning about Baptism, as part of our learning we held our own Baptism in class.
Reception have been learning about Guy Fawkes and Bonfire Night. We made chocolate sparklers to wave during our own indoor ‘bonfire’.
Today Reception class visited church. Father Brian showed us around and told us about the different things we could see. We had a lovely time!
Reception have visited the woodland area this week to look for signs of Autumn. We found lots of conkers and autumn leaves.
The children in Reception have visited the prayer room for a lovely liturgy, where we gave thanks to God for the wonderful things he has given us.
Reception class have started their Squiggle Whilst you Wiggle sessions, to help develop our motor skills. It was lots of fun!
Reception have been learning about how special we are to God and that God loves us all.
Tiny Teddies
Welcome to Reception!
We are looking forward to a busy and enjoyable year with your children. They are very excited to be part of St. Edward’s family and have settled in so well.
Reading books will be changed on a Friday. We know lives are busy but it really helps if children read on a regular basis. These books are wordless to begin with and then will become phonetically decodable to match the sounds taught in class. We ask that books are read 4 times a week, please sign your child's reading diary each time. Please leave a comment to let us know how your child gets on with each book. Please also help your child to recognise the phonics sounds and Harder to Read and Spell words that are sent home each week.
Homework will be sent at the beginning of each half term. Tasks will link to the current topic and can be done in any order. Please send in any homework completed or add photos on Tapestry.
Our PE day is Friday. Children should come in their PE kit on this day. If your child wears earrings, please could we ask that these aren’t worn on PE days.
We want your children to feel happy in class and to enjoy to coming to school. If there is anything at all that is worrying them, or worrying you please pop in and see us, either at drop off or pick up, or at one of our half termly drop in sessions for parents.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Nelson and the Reception team