Religious Education
The infants have started our tradition Posado bags where they give Mary and Joseph a home for the night

What is R.E.?
RE is the core subject that is at the heart for everything we do here at St Edward's. It is about the Christian Vision of the human person. Religious Education is the study of:
- The mystery of God as discovered through the bible and the teachings of Jesus
- The teachings of the Church
- The lives of saints
- The relationship between our life and how we live out our faith
In Religious Education we also explore other faiths from around the world, we will learn about the traditions of these faiths and their symbols.
We consider RE to be at the ‘Core of the Core’ of everything we do here at St Edwards.
Why is RE important
Religious Education plays a vital role in our life here at St Edward's. The beliefs and values we will study will contribute to our children's personal development and overall well-being and we will promote mutual respect and tolerance of our diverse society. It encourages our children to develop their sense of identity and belonging and plays an important part in preparing our children for adult life , employment and lifelong learning. It will enable our children to develop a respect and sensitivity towards others, in particular those whose faith and beliefs are different from their own.
How is RE taught at St Edward's
Our RE teaching is based on the Curriculum Directory for Religious Education and as a school we follow the Come and See programme. In any faith school 10% of the curriculum teaching time is dedicated to RE and it is taught discreetly and developmentally. Here at St Edward's our teaching focuses on the children’s understanding of theological ideas and how to apply them in their life. We give our children ample opportunity to apply this knowledge and skills in cross curricular studies to deepen their understanding of religious truths and allow them to think creatively. We deliver our RSE teaching through the TenTen programme. We provide our children with superb resources to immerse them in their learning and Fr Brian is a regular visitor to our school to enhance the curriculum and we visit our Parish Church to suitable our RE Curriculum regularly. During our Interfaith week we also invite other faith leaders into school and visit a variety of different places of worship.