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St Edward'sRoman Catholic Primary School

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1


Teachers in Year 1 are Mrs Wilkinson and the classroom assistant is Miss Nokes.

Our PE day is Monday.







Homework Topic 6

Year 1 thoroughly enjoyed our final NRG!

Year 1 started their D.T. Robots project, lots of cutting and sticking happening!

Today we stated our Caritas Stewardship week. Year 1 discussed and suggested ways in which we can be true stewards of God look after our Earth

Year 1 enjoyed using our sense of smell. We smelt lots of different smells!

Year 1 really enjoyed Forest School this week, thank you Matt

Year 1 had great fun using our sense of touch today!

Year 1 loved making bird feeders in NRG today!

Year 1 loved our practical Maths on Tens and ones today

Year 1 were very respectful during our respond Liturgy today in the Prayer Room

Year 1 enjoyed making wands in Forest Schools

Year 1 had fun separating objects into equal halves

Year 1 enjoyed practically sorting the counters into even groups

Smithills Farm

Today Year 1 really enjoyed rolling dice to find equal amounts

Year 1 had fun measuring the capacity of different containers

Thank you for a great dance lesson today with Year 1

Silly Socks!

Working hard on Purple Mash

Year 1 loved Maths with the number cubes

Year 1 enjoyed looking at our Easter Artefacts and giving their reasons why we should include them in our Easter box

Year 1 enjoyed acting out Palm Sunday

Year 1 really enjoyed building shelters in Forest School

Year 1 really enjoyed working on practical maths making sets of 10

Year 1 watch in teams to collect ideas for our reading stage on recounts, great teamwork!

Year 1 continued their Lenten Liturgies. Today we focused on praying for our world

Year 1 started our Caritas in Action week by revisiting Laudito Si and discussing how we are all responsible for our World and everyone in it

Year 1 enjoyed designing their own zoo just like George Mottershead did at Chester Zoo

Year 1 had great fun at Forest School this morning

Year 1 loved directing the BeeBots today around the British Isles

Methods Monday continues in Year 1 with practical consolidations of Subtraction and counting on with Snakes and Ladders

Our reading and analysis stage continues in Year 1 who our likes and dislikes of Little Red Riding Hood

Fabulous Forest Schools this morning for Year 1 with NRG!

Year 1 held a beautiful Lenten Liturgy this afternoon

Doubling fun in Year 1

Year 1 had fun following instructions and making fruit kebabs today

Year 1 talked about their different feelings and emotions in our Relationship and Health lessons today. We are beginning to learn how to express how we feel at different times

A special mention to this week’s star readers in Year 1! So pleased to see some new award winners 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🌟🌟🌟📕

Year 1’s paired reading is going well!

Year 1 had so much fun with Brad in PE yesterday. It was chilly but exciting!

Year 1 love dancing in Charanga


Year 1 had a beautiful class Liturgy today

Year 1 enjoyed acting out the Mass with all the special jobs

Year 1 really enjoyed their PE lesson with Brad today! We practised our throwing skills

Today Year 1 had two special visitors who told us all about their special jobs in our Parish Church. Our Year 4 girl is an altar server and Mr Beardsworth is a Eucharistic Minister

Today in Year 1 we had a circle time discussion on our different feelings and emotions

In honour of Peace Sunday, yesterday, Year 1 had a beautiful Liturgy on how we can bring peace into school. We listened to the parable of The Good Samaritan for ideas on going forth

Year 1 enjoyed looking outside for plants and our environment

Year 1 really enjoyed their PE lesson with Brad today about different ways to travel

Year 1 started our Computer Science on Algorithms. We used Lego to follow instructions


Year 1 loved learning about Christingle’s today

Dan and Emily, Year 1 are loving open for Advent

Year 1 are loving giving Mary and Joseph a home for the night

Year 1 enjoyed teaching Tiny about 3d shapes this morning

Year 1 led a beautiful Liturgy all on the Parable of the Mustard Seed and they know just because they are small, it doesn’t matter, they can make great things happen

Road Safety Talk - Year 1 loved it!

A beautiful class Liturgy this afternoon with Year 1 on forgiveness

Year 1 enjoyed our TenTen lesson on how we are all unique

Year 1 Friendship Assembly

Uploaded by St Edward's RC Primary School, Darwen

Thank you Emma for a great hand washing session in Year 1 today

A beautiful liturgy with Year 1 today

We had a great History Workshop today!

Year 1 we held our class Liturgy in honour of all the fallen service men, ‘In November we Remember’. ❤️♥️

Good number bond work in Year 1 today

Year 1 loved talking about the four seasons and painting fireworks today

Year 1 are enjoying the start of their new topic Fire! Fire! 🔥

Thank you Father Brian for explaining signs and symbols of Baptism to Year 1 in church

Our finished colony in Year 1🐧🖤🤍

Another beautiful Rosary Liturgy with Year 1 today

Thank you to Dogs Trust from Year 1. Sam and Duke were fantastic, we will try to remember the Happy Dog rules

Year 1 are learning about their digital citizenship and who are their trusted adults

World Mental Health Day

A good practical start to whole and part models in Year 1

Year 1 loved role playing our feelings today and discussing how we feel at certain moments

Thank you to Hari from Zoo Lab! Year 1 really enjoyed seeing all the animals

In Year 1 we had a beautiful circle time on our feelings

A beautiful Liturgy with Year 1 in our Prayer Room about the Creation Story

Fantastic speech and language from Year 1 practicing our nursery rhymes

Fun practical maths in Year 1!

Today we began our Paired Reading!

We loved our first day!

Tiny Teddies