“The more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future.” – Theodore Roosevelt
Our curriculum
History teaching at St Edward's RC Primary School enables pupils to develop an awareness of the past and develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of British, local and world history. Through quality teaching across each Key Phase, pupils will be able to note connections and contrasts over time and use historical terminology when doing so. With their new found information, children will be prompted to devise historically valid questions considering: changes in time periods; causes of any significant changes; similarities and differences across periods in time and civilisations; and significance of any events in history. When provided with information, children will be encouraged to select and organise it into relevance and importance. Each and every topic taught will be done so with a range of resources, giving children the chance to use their enquiry skills for developing understanding.
Our Curriculum is designed with the intent to maximise the potential of all of our pupils; intellectually, socially, morally, emotionally and culturally. We take every opportunity to encourage a love for learning within all of our pupils, based around a resilience for learning and achieving greatness. Most importantly we allow our children to learn in a safe and stimulating environment, where their views are valued.
Implementation – History is taught through discrete lessons, where children are imparted with knowledge and understanding of history and its chronology. Children are taught to explore the cause and consequences of events, and their significance in time. As historians, children are taught the essential skills of being able to use and understand sources of evidence. As the children’s knowledge becomes embedded in their history topics, the subject is used as a vehicle for exploration in other subjects. Art, drama and particularly writing are all linked to the history curriculum enabling children to demonstrate mastery of their understanding.
As the children move through the school they begin to learn age appropriate history skills through different history topics. Children are given the opportunities to practice, develop and master these skills as they progress, enabling them to become greater depth historians.
History delivered in mixed ability classes with highly capable teachers using a wealth of resources to consider and the use of skilled questioning to extend knowledge and explore concepts. Every history topic delivered across the school has at least one lesson which is a ‘hook’ to capture the interests and imagination of our children. This may be delivered through a school trip, educational visit or an expert workshop. We believe this is the best way to enthuse our children and encourage their passion in their history topic.
Impact – We use a variety of assessment strands to ensure subject knowledge and skills are consolidated before moving onto the next topic. At the beginning of every topic children are encouraged to self-assess their starting point and consider what they know. Throughout their topic, children will be provided with opportunities to prove their knowledge and skills. These tasks are differentiated and allow children to show their knowledge. Subject and school leaders monitor the impact of our curriculum provision through completing regular monitoring, that includes listening to the voice of our children.