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St Edward's Roman Catholic Primary School Darwen home page

St Edward'sRoman Catholic Primary School

Special Educational Needs

Mrs Turner is our SENCO, if you wish to speak to her, please contact the school office on 01254 701616.


Alternatively you can email

BwD SEND Newsletter

Here at St Edward's we want every pupil's light to shine!
Lots of us need extra support sometimes to make that possible.
If you have a specific question about how we can help you, get in touch!
If you have any questions about your child's development please contact any of the following members of staff on 01254 701616:
Mrs Turner (SENCo)

Mrs Knowles (Headteacher)


Useful links for background information on specific learning differences:
Your local National Autistic Society contact: Wendy Yeo (Volunteer Branch Officer) 07887 838168 email:
The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) help and support for families of children with communication difficulties -
Find out if you could be eligible for financial support  towards specialised support for developing your child's communication skills quickly from the Pyramid Educational Trust -
If you think your child may have dyslexic tendencies -