Special Educational Needs
Mrs Turner is our SENCO, if you wish to speak to her, please contact the school office on 01254 701616.
Alternatively you can email lucy.turner@stedwards.blackburn.sch.uk
BwD SEND Newsletter
Our SEN policy
Mrs Knowles (Headteacher)
Your local National Autistic Society contact: Wendy Yeo (Volunteer Branch Officer) 07887 838168 email: BlackburnwithDarwenbranch@nas.org.uk | The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) help and support for families of children with communication difficulties - www.pecs.com | Find out if you could be eligible for financial support towards specialised support for developing your child's communication skills quickly from the Pyramid Educational Trust - www.pyramideducationaltrust.org |
If you think your child may have dyslexic tendencies - www.bdadyslexia.org.uk |