Prayer and Liturgy -Loving Jesus
Autumn Prayer and Liturgy - Loving Jesus
KS2’s assembly where the children took part in a meditation, imagining walking to the river with Jesus when he was baptised by John the Baptist. Afterwards, the children were encouraged to say a prayer before they went to bed about being part of God’s family.
Celebrating Epiphany at the start of school
🙏🏼 KS2’s Remembrance prayer and worship with Mark 10 Mission
🎖🌹 ✨Look for the light ✨ Keep the light shining ✨
Remembrance Assembly
Thank you to Mr Potter for visiting us and supporting our worship for peace and remembrance.
Where Two or Three are Gathered in My Name, I Am in Their Midst – Matthew 18:15-20
Our Collective Worship Programme provides St Edward's with prayer, liturgy and worship resources for assemblies, classrooms, teachers and parents. The resources, help our school community to grow in faith, love, understanding and compassion.
Collective Worship Planner
Stay and Pray
Stay and Pray with parents during Lent.